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Fall 2022@NCKU
- Computer Vision and Image Processing (電腦視覺與影像處理)
- Machine Learning (機器學習)
Spring 2022@NCKU
Fall 2021@NCKU
- Computer Vision and Image Processing (電腦視覺與影像處理)
Spring 2021@NCKU
- Deep Learning (深度學習)
- Introcution to Computer (計算機概論)
Fall 2020@NPUST
- Introduction to Machine Learning (機器學習導論)
- Computational Thinking and Programming-I (運算思維與資訊科技應用)
Spring 2020@NPUST
- Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧)
- Deep Learning (深度學習)
- Object-Oriented Programming (物件導向程式設計)
- Computational Thinking and Programming-I (運算思維與資訊科技應用)
- Computational Thinking and Programming-II (運算思維與資訊科技應用)
Fall 2019@NPUST
- Introduction to Machine Learning (機器學習導論)
- Introduction to Image Recognition (影像辨識技術)
Spring 2019@NPUST
- Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧)
- Deep Learning (深度學習)
- Introduction to Programming (運算思維與資訊科技應用)
Fall 2018@NPUST
- Introduction to Machine Learning (機器學習導論)
- Introduction to Image Recognition (影像辨識技術)
- Machine Learning (機器學習)
- Introduction to Programming (計算機概論)
Spring 2018@NPUST
- Introduction to Deep Learning (智慧型系統)
- Data Mining (資料挖掘)
- Introduction to Internet Programming (網際網路設計原理)
Fall 2017@NTHU
- Data Structure 資料結構
- Support Course for Department of quantitative finance, NTHU
* Received a Grant of Creative Teaching and Course Project, NTHU CTLD
Fall 2016@NTHU
- Data Structure 資料結構
- Support Course for Department of quantitative finance, NTHU
Spring 2016@NTHU
- Introduction to Programming 程式設計導論
- Support Course for Department of quantitative finance, NTHU
* Received a Grant of Creative Teaching and Course Project, NTHU CTLD