
Dr. Chih-Chung Hsu (許志仲)

Associate Professor, IEEE Senior Member
Institute of Data Science, Miin Wu School of Computing
National Cheng Kung University
cchsu [at] / Tel: +886 6-275-7575#53641
Assistant Ms. Jean Lin(林君柔小姐):
jeanlin [at] / +886 6-275-7575#53636#67

Google Scholar, ACVLab (前瞻電腦視覺實驗室)

Information for students:

  • A guide for freshmen.
  • Graduate Student Recruiting (Available for recruiting students of NYCU since now.)
    • Currently, the master’s program admission through screening is temporarily full. In the future, we can accept 1+1 students through the examination route.
  • Research assistant recruiting (Undergraduate/Graduate Students, any department/school)
  • Post-doc Recruiting! (see the information in the link)
  • Career distribution of graduates in the past three years (still being updated): MTK, MobileDrive, Egis, ITRI, Phison, TSMC, Overseas graduate schools (USD, UCLA, Albany...etc)


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