Attitional Results


  1. Computational complexity
  2. Block size of GDM
  3. GDM and filtered GDM
  4. VSM, LCM, and GDM Examples for NRID
  5. Normalization strategies
  6. Results for RetargetMe Dataset 
  7. The proposed adaptive weighting function
  8. Limitation

Computational Complexity

Our method takes about 115 secs for assessing an image (retargeted from 768x512 to 576x512) on a quad-core (Intel i7) personal computer with 16GB Ram using Matlab without any code optimization. In our method, SIFT flow estimation, saliency map estimation, and the rest operations consumes about 85%, 12%, 3% of computation, respectively. The complexity of the most dominating operation SIFT flow estimation for an NxN image for one iteration is O(N2log2N) [20]. The other operations are of O(N2) complexity.


Block size of GDM

The main reason is that the size of a geometric deformation region (i.e., with relatively large local variance value of SIFT flow vectors) is usually not small. Therefore patches with a reasonable range of size can still capture the local variations of SIFT flow vectors. Besides, the variance values of the patches in GDM are all normalized to [0,1], which leads to a stable range of variance values regardless of the patch size.
Although the rank correlation performance of the proposed metric is not sensitive to the patch size, the patch size does affect the computation and memory costs, and the granularity of perceptual distortion visualization and localization

Table 1. Rank correlation of objective and subjective measures for the second dataset dataset over various block sizes and different combination of the proposed GDM, VSM, LCM, and SLR metrics.

GDM & Filtered GDM

Similarly, to make the SIFT flow map more reliable, small isolated noises (say, less than 2x2) should be removed from the map, whereas larger defects (i.e., those with significant local variance due to retargeting distortion) should be enhanced. To this end, we perform anisotropic diffusion filtering prior to the patch-based local variance analysis as illustrated in Fig. 1 (we already put it in our project page but not in the revised manuscript due to limited space).

Fig. 1.Illustration of the effect of the anisotropic diffusion filter. (a) and (b): The horizontal and vertical components of SIFT flow map; (c) and (d): The filtered versions of (a) and (b) using the anisotropic diffusion filter; (e) the resulting GDM map after block-wise local variance analysis.

VSM, LCM, and GDM Examples (our dataset)

We select two different images to show their VSM, GDM, and LCM of the retargeted images. Note that the VSM are the same for five retargeted images because the VSM is estimated from original image (the size of the VSM, GDM, and LCM have to the same). The GDM captures the local distortions for retargeted images. For example, the retargeted image using shift-map have largest distortion (PGD) because the local variation is relevantly large, compared to other retargeted images.

Fig.2. The proposed LCM, VSM, and GDM for test image 3 with its retargeted images.

Fig.3. The proposed LCM, VSM, and GDM for test image 5 with its retargeted images.

Fig.4. The proposed LCM, VSM, and GDM for test image 12 with its retargeted images.

 Normalization strategies 

We have performed an experiment to compare two normalization schemes for each test image. The first normalization scheme (see Table 2:N1) is to normalize the metrics of a retargeted image based on the minimal and maximal metric values among the patches “in the image itself” (the one we are using). The second scheme (see Table 2:N2) is to normalize the retargeted versions of a test image based on the minimal and maximal metric values among the patches “in the set of all retargeted versions” (8 versions for RetargetMe and 5 versions for the second dataset) of the image. Since we use the same VSM for all retargeted versions of a test image, the second scheme is only applied to GDM and LCM. Our results show that the performance difference between the two schemes are very minor and negligible. Since the complexity of the first scheme is lower, we keep the scheme unchanged. 

 Table 2. Rank correlation of objective and subjective quality comparison over different normalization strategies.

Results for RetargetMe Dataset 

Table 3. Rank correlation of objective and subjective measures for the RetargetMe dataset [3].

The proposed adaptive weighting function 

Our adaptive fusion scheme is based on the assumption that a saliency map containing too many isolated salient regions usually indicate the image has no dominating salient objects/regions or it is not reliable. In this case, the SLR metric will become less important and its weight should be discounted as in equations (9) and (10). Otherwise, the SLR metric takes a higher weight if there is dominating salient regions.

Although the assumption may not apply to all kinds of images perfectly, the method works well for most of the images in the two datasets used using the saliency detection schemes in [1] and [2] as reflected in the comparison of adaptive weighting and fixed weighting shown below, where the blue lines indicate the rank correlation values with α varying from 0 to 1 with an interval of 0.1.

Fig. 5.
Rank correlation value versus the weight value between SLR and PGD.

Our method also has its limitations. First, the accuracy of the SIFT flow map has significant impact on the accuracies of the PGD and SLR metrics. For some images with lots of repeated texture patterns or very smooth areas, the SIFT flow estimation may not work well for some parts of the images as it may find many incorrect correspondences in these parts. Usually, the inaccuracy of SIFT flow in the smooth area does not have much impact on the accuracy of the proposed metric since the geometric distortion and information loss are visually less significant in smooth areas. But for the texture regions, the inaccuracy does matter. For the 10 highly textured images in the two datasets including 72 test images, the rank correlation values are all below the average. Besides, the proposed method may fail when the saliency detection result is not reliable which usually happens if an image does not contain significant salient objects/regions with an enough large size or the scene is too complex (see Fig.6). Unreliable saliency map  will reduce the accuracies of PGD (due to unreliable VSM) and SLR metrics.

Fig. 6. An example of inaccurate saliency map.


[1] Y. Fang, W. Lin, Z. Chen, and C.-W. Lin, “Saliency detection in the compressed domain for adaptive image retargeting,” IEEE Trans. Image Process. vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 3888−3901, Sept. 2012.
[2] L. Itti, “Automatic foveation for video compression using a neurobiological model of visual attention,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1304-1318, Oct. 2004.

 [3] RetargetMe Benchmark [Online]. Available: http://