
Invoice Requirement
There are 3 ways to get your invoice for MIPR 2020 registration:
  1. There is a link to the invoice in your confirmation email.
  2. You can log in Registration Service System to download your invoice.
  3. You can e-mail to (copy to with your registration information: your full name (same with registration), e-mail, paper ID and the amount you’ve paid.
Important Information for Authors

It is important that at least one author per accepted paper/poster registers at the full member or non-member rate (Not student member/non-member rate!) on or before 24:00 Feb. 29th, 2020 (UTC+8). A full Member/Non Member registration includes the submission of up to six (6) pages for regular/workshop/industry paper, four (4) pages for short and demo paper.

Reduced (student and life member) rates are not available for publishing authors.

At least one author must register and attend the conference to present the paper. Papers of authors who fail to attend and present their papers will immediately be removed from further consideration for inclusion in the proceedings and the planned journal special issues.

To submit up to three (3) additional papers, the cost is US $500 per paper (Early Rate). The cost will be US $550 per paper (Standard Rate) after Feb. 29th (UTC+8).

For any registration questions, please send an email to Dr. Wei-Bang Chen ( and copy to Ms. Xiaoxu Luan (

Registration fees for conference includes access to entire conference and the social events.

The REGISTRATION LINK is: Click to Register
To view/modify your registration, click here. Please email if you need any assistance. Please be aware that the registration requires your “Paper ID”. You can easily find it in your acceptance e-mail as in the example below:

Registration Category Registration Fees Early Rate Available Till Feb. 29th After Feb. 29th
Author Registration IEEE Member US $ 620 US $ 780
Non-Member US $ 750 US $ 940
Registration Category Registration Fees Early Rate Available Till May. 29th After May. 29th
Full Conference (for non- authors
and authors not registering a paper)
Non-Member FREE FREE
Student Member/IEEE Life Member   FREE FREE
Student Non-Member FREE FREE
Non-Author One-Day IEEE Member FREE FREE
Non-Member FREE FREE
Student member/IEEE Life Member FREE FREE
Student non-Member FREE FREE

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Author Registration:

At least one author of an accepted paper must register at a non-student and non-life-member rate per the paper registration policy above in order for paper to be included in the conference and workshop proceedings. If complete payment is not received by the author registration deadline 24:00 Feb. 29th, 2020 (UTC+8), the paper will be pulled out from the publications in MIPR 2020. Such author registrations are Non-Refundable.

Other General Attendees:

Cancellations/refund request should be made in writing to Dr. Wei-Bang Chen ( and copy to Ms. Xiaoxu Luan ( The cancellation fee is 50% of the registration fee. No Refunds will be made from and after June. 15th, 2020.

VISA Letter Request Instructions

In order to request a visa letter, the authors should provide the following information and send a visa letter request to

  • Paper Title, list of Authors in the paper
  • Full Name of the attendee, Affiliation, Address, Passport No. and Nationality